Human Genome


4. The Chromosome theory of heredity

Seven pairs of identical twins. Although the twins were given no instructions regarding how to pose for the photograph, note the similar posture, hand placement, and facial expressions of bother members of each pair of twins.

  1. DNA replication is a precursor to asexual and sexual cell division.

  2. DNA replicates by unwinding and using the exposed strands as alignment guides for new synthesis; hence, each daughter molecule is half old and half new. = "semiconservative replication"

  3. double helical DNA

    double helical DNA

  4. DNA polymrase adds nucleotides at 3' growing.

  5. double helical DNA

    - replication starts at the origin site:
    double helical DNA

    - proofreading by the DNA polymerase
    double helical DNA

    - DNA polymerase requires 'PRIMER':
    double helical DNA

    double helical DNA

    - DNA topoisomerases (I & II) prevent DNA from becoming tangled ahead of the replication fork:
    DNA topoisomerase II: cuts both strand of DNA and rejoin the ends to produce one negative superturn.
    double helical DNA

  6. Telomerase: replication of linear chromosome termini

  7. - DNA polymerase can't synthesize DNA at the terminus of the lagging strand.
    double helical DNA

  8. Phenotypic ratios in progeny are determined by the movements of chromosome pairs at meiosis.

  9. - Mendel's laws of segregation and independent assortment.
    double helical DNA

    - chi square test : test of fitness of a hypothesis
    The distribution of chi-square values shows how often chi-square will exceed a particular value solely by chance. If the hypothesis is correct, the chi-square statistic will exceed this critical value only 5 percent of time.
    double helical DNA

    double helical DNA

  10. Chromosome theory: 1910, Thomas Morgan

  11. genes are situated on chromosomes

    - Genes for eye color are linked to the X chromosome:

    double helical DNA

    double helical DNA

    double helical DNA

  12. sex chromosome-linked genes

  13. Hemophilia

    male determining genes

    male determining gene: SRY

    male determining genes

  14. X-inactivation

  15. Organelle genes (mitochondria, chloroplast) are inherited maternally.